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Liberals who proclaim the goodness of taxes continue to dodge them

The illustrious John Kerry, loser in the 2004 Presidential election, is one of the leftists who constantly proclaim bromides such as "the rich are getting richer", "the rich should pay their fair share", etc. Kerry is among the most liberal of Senators, and any time a question of tax cuts versus tax increases comes up, Kerry has always voted for tax increases.

Yet, he is harboring his new $7M yacht (guardian of the proletariat that he is) in Rhode Island - in order to dodge massive taxes on such property in Taxachusetts, er, Massachusetts.

Kerry's dodge will save him nearly $500,000 plus $70,000 a year in taxes on the yacht.

Kerry's comment: "I have nothing more to say."

It's a good thing that Kerry is fighting for the common man - by raising taxes on the most evil segment of our society, diabetics and disabled people, against whom he voted to sock an excise tax on medical devices. The disabled, diabetics, and people who need pacemakers will see the costs of these devices increase by over ***$4 Billion a year***.

Yet Kerry, who is married to a woman worth hundreds of millions of dollars, thinks it's ok for himself to dodge a $500,000 tax bill on his luxury item.

In the dictionary, the word hypocrite ought to have a picture of this guy next to it. Along with tax cheat Tim Geithner, tax cheat Charles Rangel, and tax cheat Tom Daschle (all the most liberal of liberals, unsurprisingly).

1. Massive Excise tax on wheelchairs, pacemakers, insulin pumps part of ObamaCare:


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