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Obama lied to us about a "new era in race relations"

One should not be surprised, that President Obama has been shown to be a liar. This is because Democrats cannot be elected President in this country without lying.

Polls and surveys show that the country is consistently conservative, right-of-center, what have you. The majority of Americans do not want government run health care or any other form of liberal nanny-state.

Bill Clinton campaigned as a "New Democrat", and was elected overwhelmingly by voters who wanted to punish George Bush Sr for his own lie - raising taxes after promising not to. But the key part is, he campaigned as a centrist.

Of course, that was a lie. The moment he got into office, thinking he was secure with a Democrat-controlled Congress, Clinton began pushing a big-government liberal agenda, starting with the nationalization of health care. There was an immediate and violent rejection of this plan, ending in the election of the first Republican-controlled Congress in 50 years. Bbeing the kind of politician he was -- which is to say, pragmatic and having no integrity -- he immediately junked socialized medicine and pretended to be a centrist for the next 6 years, and took credit for the Republican reforms that rewrote the book on welfare, gun rights, a balanced budget and low taxes.

Obama is following in Clinton's footsteps, possibly because he brought a bunch of Clintonistas with him into the White House. So the Obama administration is doing the exact same thing the Clinton administration did, trying to ram through as many liberal/socialist policies as they can. This is the big lie, because Obama also ran in the election as a centrist.

The most recent example of the Big Lie, was Obama's response to the fracas surrounding the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. When asked about the incident, Obama immediately made the claim that the actions of the officers were "Stupid" and that this "proved we still had a long way to go in race relations". The answer, in short, was that of a race-baiter. Before he even knew the first fact about the case, Obama just assumed the police officer was racist and that the 911 call and arrest were racially motivated. He assumed the incident would not have happened, had Gates not been black.

But aside from putting his foot in his holy mouth by making such claims when he didn't know the first thing about what really happened, the facts are that the race of Gates was not mentioned in the 911 call at all:

So, Obama, this is your new era in race relations? A black man is the President and so now you can stand up there and put on the Presidential pedestal all your tired, dogmatic, racist claptrap about being oppressed.

You promised to be different. I guess that was all a part of the big lie, too.


Every country deals with race differently. The two biggest mistakes in American history once one gets beyond slavery: (1) forced integration by court rulings - you can’t force people to want to associate with, get along with, or respect you; and (2) affirmative action - no matter how one looks at it, it smacks of unfairness and does not make people respect you.

What we have today are simply the long-term ramifications of bad racial policies. What is perhaps more fascinating is that many think that 50 years of legal integration has somehow negated or counterbalanced the treatment afforded blacks prior thereto.

As for the Harvard Professor incident....

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