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Showing posts from July, 2019

Life-affirming Values Deserve Better than Ridicule

When leftist/progressives employ ridicule, they seek to destroy - ridicule demolishes. When they employ sarcasm, they seek to destroy - mockery is destruction. When they use the argument from intimidation - accusing their opponents of racism, or lack of compassion - they destroy. When they engage "political correctness" - literally, banning the use of "politically incorrect" words, really, thoughts - they destroy. When they attend speeches by opponents and shout them down so loudly their opponent cannot effectively speak, they are destroying. When they riot, rampage, loot and burn, they are destroying - directly. What they are doing is literally destroying thoughts in the minds of others - before those others can clarify and consider thoughts opposed to the leftists. They are actually doing battle inside the minds of their opponents, shutting down those minds before they can become a threat. It is one thing when leftists do this. The modern leftist is at root a nihi...