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Showing posts from August, 2008

Democrats talk the talk...

but don't walk the walk. Democrats just decided to tell the 18 million people who voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries, "thanks, but we don't need you now." Now I am no fan of Clinton (either one) and don't want her to be President. But there's an observation to be made here. The Democratic establishment doesn't want her to be President, either, preferring a man for the job, two men in fact, including one who almost noone voted for. For all the talk of "breaking the glass ceiling" Democrats like to do, they certainly made a 'conservative' choice. While Democrats always talk about equality and fairness, where is it in practice? While Democrats always accuse Republicans of being backward, who is it that's being backward now? Republicans appointed the first black Secretary of State, then another, and a woman to boot. The first woman ambassador to the UN was a woman Republican. The first woman head of state in an English-speaking co...

The Democrat Hall of Shame

William J Jefferson: took a $90,000 cash bribe (among numerous others). He claims innocence, but innocent people don't hide $90,000 cash in their freezer. William Jefferson Clinton: lied under oath to a grand jury, disbarred. Kwame Kilpatrick (Mayor of Detroit): improper affair with a subordinate, lied about it (why not? Clinton did!), assault. John Edwards: cheated on his wife, there's a love-child to show for it, lied about it for months to the press. Robert Wexler: Congressman from Florida who hasn't lived in Florida for 10 years, violating residency requirements. Barack Obama: openly consorts with terrorists and America-hating radicals. As always, you are trying to get us to turn our attention to short-term matters (for example, "it's the economy, stupid"). But America periodically remembers that it is, in fact, about character, stupid. Dems hate Bush because he's a man of character, who sticks to his principles, and isn't a mask-wearing . Men of p...