Since Socialist ideology is in direct contradiction to many laws of reality, such as laws of human behavior, of economics, and of just plain common sense, you would expect that leftists must on a daily basis evade and actively disbelieve plain facts that are placed in front of them. This is why they will simply call you a racist or a liar if you challenge them on the facts - their beliefs are already arbitrary and not based on a chain of induction or deduction from observation. Everything they believe is based on a floating abstraction.
So when, occasionally, these types see a fact that seems to support their view of reality, they go positively hog wild over it.
Note then the responses in the blogosphere to the Daily Kos / Research 2000 polling over the past two years. The fact that the Kos polling consistently showed 10 to 15 points higher support for Democrats than all other polls caused no concern to these people - it only "proved" that polling firms such as Rasmussen were "lying Republican shills". (Never mind that Rasmussen has the highest prediction accuracy of any of the polling firms).
So for two years Kosheads have been going on and on about how Kos had the only valid polling. Anyone else who reviewed the poll results could clearly see that something was dramatically amiss with the Kos polling, even without the fancy mathematics that ultimately undid them.
While Markos Moulitsas did the right thing and fired Research 2000 and in fact sued them for fraud, what wasn't undone by this action was the innumerable stories repeated in the Drive-by media (sorry, mainstream media) based on these fraudulent polls, and all the conclusions drawn by people as a result of this fraudulent polling. Kos posters have actively ignored the fact that for years they allowed themselves to be misled because the lie was in line with their beliefs. Not one of them said "Oh, oops, maybe Rasmussen has been right". In fact they found creative new ways to call Rasmussen liars while placing a crown of righteousness on their own heads.
This of course ties in with many other socialist lies, such as
- Doctors routinely perform unneeded amputations just to pad their bills (often repeated by Obama)
- The poor got poorer under Reagan (proven false by IRS data)
- Muslims only hate us because we've been mean to them
These and countless other socialist canards, which are easily proven to be false, are readily believed by these willing victims of untruth.
Now I'm not saying that socialists are the only people who make logical errors or are divorced from reality. But socialists do have a unique, near-universal ability to ignore any fact that contradicts their beliefs.