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Democrats having trouble forming complete sentences...

Watching blog posts of late, with polls showing McCain taking the lead and Obama losing his electoral college advantage, as usual the Democrats have become reduced to incoherent raging as their form of political expression:

Democrats: Anyone who votes for a Republican is an idiot. Republicans are liars. Red states have lower IQs than Blue States! Red States are flyover states, people with any sense only live in big cities!!!!

Republicans: Then I suppose I am an idiot, a hick, and a retard living in the wilderness, but I am just not going to vote for socialists. Have a nice day.

Remember there is a clear historical trend that we are still in. Republicans have won 7 of the last 10 presidential elections, from 1968 through 2004.

Obama is a big-government, tax-and-spend, promise Peter's money to buy Paul's vote, socialist / liberal.The American public is clearly rejecting this philosophy, yet the Democrats keep trying to elect big-government socialists from big, corrupt cities. The only Democrat to win in recent years was Bill Clinton (from a small state) who got elected only by lying about being a moderate (and other things). When Clinton showed his true socialist colors by trying to socialize medicine and enslave America's doctors, America responded in 1994 by electing by a landslide the first Republican congress in 50 years.

Here's the list:

John Kerry: big city liberal/socialist, LOST!
Al Gore: liberal/socialist, LOST!
Michael Dukakis: big city liberal/socialist, LOST!
Jimmy Carter, sliberal / wimp, Lost reelection
Walter Mondale: Was VP on three separate LOSING Dem tickets over 12 years. Hint to dems: stop nominating losers.
George McGovern: liberal / ultra socialist, LOST!
Hubert Humphrey: liberal / socialist, LOST!
Barack Obama: liberal / ultra-socialist ... TBD.

Do you guys see a pattern here yet?

Seriously. When the Democrats stop promoting socialism and stop pandering to dangerous left-wing groups including known terrorist organizations such as Earth First, you might have a chance of winning the presidency.


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