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Progressives love the Argument from Intimidation

Again, the liberal elite attempt to intimidate the free discussion of views
that oppose them:

"FOX Like Hitler?

CNN founder Ted Turner is comparing FOX News Channel to Adolph Hitler, insisting that while FOX News may be popular, Adolph Hitler was also popular when he came to power 'was elected to power just before World War II'.

Speaking to the National Association of Television Program Executives earlier to day, Turner also accused FOX News of being the Bush administration's propaganda tool. Insisting, "it's certainly legal. But it does pose problems for our democracy. Particularly when the news is dumbed down."

A FOX News spokesperson says, "Ted Turner is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind. We wish him well."

Amen, Fox.

In one quote Turner says that Fox and its viewers are Nazis. Way to go, Ted. That kind of high-brow thinking will get you a gold medal in Philosophy 101 - but only at Harvard. It will get you flunked out of any other institution of higher learning, including Thomas Jefferson Elementary school in Mt. Vernon, IL.

For the philosophically uninitiated: What Ted Turner did here is called "argument from intimidation" - asserting that believing or arguing for a certain idea indicates immorality, in an attempt to intimidate a person into renouncing the idea without discussion.

Nobody wants to be seen as supporting something horrible - such as Nazis - so if you associate your opponents' arguments with the Nazis.. well you get the point.

One of my favorite authors has this to say about Ted's argument from intimidation:
"The Argument from Intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence."
Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, 1964
That seems to fit Ted pretty well.

Well, we know that Ted is the propaganda tool of the liberate elite - including his traitor wife, Hanoi Jane. Ted went to Cuba to make friends with the murderous tyrant Fidel Castro. He's giving $1B to the UN, the organization whose sole functions are to bash the United States, and to provide a forum for bloody dictators to feel important. Ted, we know what side you're on - and it's not the side of freedom and liberty. Ted wants us to think he is a good guy and by comparison to Fox, surely you can see that his CNN is not biased! Har de har har.

In my experiencethe news outlets with the most balanced, fact-based reporting are:

#1: Christian Science Monitor
#2: Fox News

News outlets with obvious socialist bias in terms of stories chosen, and loaded
words used:

#1: NPR
#2: CNN
#3: CBS

Anyone who is serious about keeping up with the news simply must read the Christian Science Monitor. Their work is in-depth, not written to the level of morons, and presents balanced (i.e., inclusive of alternate viewpoints in contentious issues) reporting. (Of course, the Christian Scientists are somewhat kooky, but they make a great paper nonetheless).


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