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Millennials don't understand free speech

A response to this article by a (presumably) Millennial telling "other generations" how we've got it all wrong. I guess, how we all need to be nice and considerate and stuff..

Well-done. You've managed to publicly pat yourself on the back for your great moral wisdom - stuff the rest of human race has been aware of and done for hundreds if not thousands of years.

This article exhibits typical Millennial fallacies:
a) complete ignorance of history and human nature
b) feeling superior for believing the right things - things you read on the internet - and which you believe you invented.
c) condescending arrogance

PC is NOT as you described. PC is in fact about restricting free speech. The whole point of free speech, the reason it is protected? If people only ever said unoffensive things, well, there would be no need to protect that, would there? Nobody would object to unoffensive speech.

It is precisely those words and ideas that cause discomfort - often to entrenched power - that require protection from those who would suppress such speech because they don't want to feel offense, they don't want to feel uncomfortable. These are people in power, people who support the power, people in government, and others in authority.

You act like the only ideas that could possibly cause offense must be bad ideas. Well, buddy, I guarantee you a lot of whites were offended by the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. but guess what - that temporary emotional displacement is what got people to change.

So you are absolutely, totally wrong. Free speech is *precisely* the freedom to say things that make other people uncomfortable.

Original article:


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