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The Hypocrisy of Liberals Knows No Bounds

In 2005, and many other leftists vigorously opposed the use of a procedural gimmick by Republicans then in control of the Senate, to approve one of Bush's judicial nominations.
As reported here in 2005: says of the "nuclear option":

Their plan is to throw out 200 years of checks and balances in the Senate, by silencing the minority party for the first time in American history. It's a maneuver so outrageous that even Republicans call it the "nuclear option." It will take 51 senators to defeat them, and the vote is probably less than a month away.

If Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist can twist enough arms to get 51 votes in support of Cheney's ruling, the minority party will be completely silenced for the first time ever.
Note the key claim: "the minority party will be completely silenced for the first time ever." In 2005, when they opposed what the Senate was acting on, cherished the time-honored filibuster, as giving voice to the "minority party".

Yet now, in 2010, liberals/progressives/socialists are waging a campaign to convince the Senate to pass Obama's federal take-over of health care, by using a procedural gimmick called "reconciliation" to pass the bill with only 51 votes, bypassing a Republican filibuster.

So much for the rights of the minority party.

According to the progressives/socialists, it's important to respect the minority's voice when nominating judges, but if what you're after is nationalizing over 17% of the US economy, why, the minority should be ignored.

Shameless hypocrisy. Exactly what I expect from progressives.


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