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Some are more equal than others

The out-of-control Congress on a runaway mission to implement so-called "health-care reform" at any cost has over the past few weeks demonstrated a complete disregard for the Constitution. In particular, the concepts of equal protection under the law and federalism are being completely run over by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid cabal.

First, everyone knows about the Cornhusker Kickback - special deals whereby Nebraska gets a free ride on Medicaid increased which will be paid by the Federal Government. Every other state in the nation, however, gets no such deal. The Cornhusker Kickback was a cynical payoff to get Ben Nelson's vote for the Senate bill. Yet many state Attorneys General have stood up to say this provision is unconstitutional.

Second, just announced today:

A senior Democratic official speaking on background told Fox News that the threshold for exemption would be raised from $23,000 to $24,000 per family but would remain the same at $8,500 for singles with high-value plans. Dental and vision plans would be removed from that calculation, however.

State and local workers and union members are exempted until 2017. A Democratic source with close union contacts said labor leaders are not particularly happy with the tentative deal, but are much less angry than they were at the previous plan.


So union members are going to be treated one way under the law, while everyone else - you - gets to foot the cost of a 40% (forty percent) excise tax on your health insurance. And if you think Democrats in Congress won't simply vote to continually extend the special union exemption from this excise tax just before it expires, you don't understand how these people work.

This last is beyond deranged. By what right do the Democrats/Socialists in Congress pass a law saying you have to pay a 40% tax on your health insurance yet a union member with the same plan does not have to? This is a massive violation of the Constitution's "equal protection" clause. This is no different than saying whites have to pay 50% income tax and blacks 10%.

But Obama, Pelosi, and Reid don't care. They don't care that it's unconstitutional. They don't even care that it's a blatant violation of Obama's "not one dime of tax increase on people making less than $250,000" pledge, which he repeated over and over during the campaign. Yet another campaign promise shown to be a lie, just like Obama's lie about the health care bill being negotiated in public on CSPAN.

Apparently what Obama really meant was, "I will not increase taxes on people making less than $250,000 as long as you're in a labor union. If you're not, then you're screwed. Too bad."

They see nothing wrong with setting up specially privileged classes of people - because these labor union members vote for them. Obama, Pelosi and Reid will simply continue to buy the votes of the unions with hundreds of billions of dollars of your money.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid have dropped all pretenses. They are openly and blatantly looting the nation now and they don't care what anyone else thinks about it. Their goal is to get it rammed through before anyone has a chance to even read the bill. Once in law it will be very hard to repeal later.

We have to stop it before that happens.


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