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Obama's Reverend Wright begins Race-Baiting

From the New York Times, April 28 2008:
"Asked why he chose to speak out now, Mr. Wright said: “On November the 5th and on January 21st, I’ll still be a pastor. As I’ve said, this is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright. It has nothing to do with Senator Obama. This is an attack on the black church launched by people who know nothing about the African- American religious tradition.”
Is Wright telling us, that it's the "African-American religious tradition" to spread and bolster the dangerous lie that the US Government created the AIDS virus to kill blacks? To spread the dangerous lie that "Israel is responsible for 9/11"?

If so, that's a "tradition" that should be stopped in its tracks. Some 30% of American blacks believe the nonsense about AIDS being government-created. It's largely due to people like Wright - prominent blacks in the public eye, spreading this falsehood.. why? I can't say why. But Wright, Spike Lee, and many other prominent blacks are pushing this myth.

It's dangerous, because people who believe this evil idea will act on it. It's yet more self-destructive, victim mentality thinking by a black sub-culture that desperately needs to stand on its own two feet and stop blaming others for its ills: such as the high crime and murder rate between and among young black males, unwed teen mothers, and drug abuse. People who believe that the government is actively murdering them, are likely to feel there is no point in trying to change their destructive lifestyle.

And no matter how much Wright race-baits, no matter how much he wants to turn this into some white vs. black issue, it's not. Ignorance and lies are not the province of races. They are traits of individuals - individuals such as Wright. It is people like Wright who are at this point responsible for helping keep a significant percentage of blacks oppressed, by continuing to play his game of race-baiting.


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