It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. A man with the blood of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, on his hands. Unrepentant to the end, defiant, assured of his right to torture, gas, and put into meat grinders anyone who disagrees with him, who vigorously exercised that right unparalleled in the history of the late 20th century. Yet liberals the world over, particularly in Europe, decry the execution of Saddam Hussein. These misguided souls see no difference between the heinous, unjustified acts of Saddam, and the societal self-defense that was his execution. They see no difference between initiating an act of violence, and responding to that act. A proper system of justice exists to ensure that a criminal cannot repeat his acts. The response by society increases in proportion to the potential future threat that criminal poses to society. The people of Iraq know how dangerous Saddam is, by his history, even if the many Saddam apologists in Europe prefer to bury their hea...