So, the socialists love British socialized health care and the British ban on guns. So let's see what that means in reality eh? In 2010: UK: 157275 cancer deaths UK cancer death rate: .2489% US: 569490 cancer deaths US cancer death rate: .1844% The US has a dramatically lower death rate from cancer, because the US (somewhat) private health care system does a better job of treating, managing, and curing cancer than does the British system. If the UK had America's superior cancer death rate, that is 40,734 more Britons who would have survived 2010. That's a 0.06% rate of death by socialized medicine. Compare to the roughly 16,000 Americans who were murdered by a firearm - a 0.005% chance. So, the British are 10 times more likely to die of socialized medicine, than an American is of a gunshot.